Common Complications of Plastic Surgery Procedures

General Dissatisfaction with Appearance 

Many people are usually satisfied with the results that they get after plastic surgery and studies suggest that a lot of women in particular are contented with the outcomes of their breast enhancement surgery

However, there is still the possibility to feel disappointed with the results. People who go through breast surgery might also experience asymmetry or contouring issues, while those who undergo facial surgeries might not really like the outcomes. 

Many people are usually satisfied with the results that they get after plastic surgery and studies suggest that a lot of women in particular are contented with the outcomes of their breast enhancement surgery. 


Hematoma refers to the pocket of blood that looks like a painful large bruise. This often occurs in 1% of breast enhancement procedures. This is also the most usual complication following a facelift procedure that can occur in around 1% of patients. Hematoma more commonly occurs in men than women. 

Nerve Damage

There is also the imminent dangerous possibility of nerve damage in various kinds of surgical procedures. Tingling and numbness are also quite common after cosmetic surgery and may be indications of nerve damage. More often than not, this nerve damage might just be temporary. However, there are cases when nerve damage can become permanent. 

Many women experience some changes in their sensitivity following a breast enhancement surgery and some of them may also suffer permanent changes when it comes to nipple sensation. 

Organ Damage

There are some cosmetic surgeries that can be very traumatic or even damaging for the internal organs such as during liposuction. 

Visceral punctures or perforations can take place once the surgical probe has come into contact with the internal organs. Additional surgery may be required to repair such injuries. There are times when these perforations might also become deadly. 

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