Proper tattoo care

What to Eat and Drink for Proper Tattoo Care

Congratulations on your new tattoo! What’s next? In case you don’t know, when you have a new tattoo, the things you eat and drink are actually very important. This means that whatever you put in your body also plays a role in proper tattoo care.  

The following week after getting a tattoo, you need to pay attention to your nutrition as this can help you make it through the painful process of tattoo healing. After all, whether you have a tattoo or not, vitamins and nutrients are necessary because you will always be what you eat.

Check out some of the best foods that you should keep in your kitchen during your new tattoo’s healing period. 

Dark Chocolate

As you already know, dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants. This is perfect for your tattooed skin as this will keep it supple and hydrated through increasing the amount of blood that flows to it.

Tattoo care

The good news is that you can also find some equally delicious dark chocolates that are vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free. Aside from tattoo care, chocolate also benefits your skin even on the outside as it can work wonders for your dry and recently tattooed skin. 

Orange Juice or Oranges

Oranges and orange juice are probably among the best vitamin C sources you can find out there. You can also take some vitamin C supplements for several days after you get a new tattoo.

It is a very potent vitamin that helps heal wounds. Oranges are even perfect for your skin as a whole as these will keep the cells protected from damages and fight off viral infections at the same time. 


Broccoli , similar to oranges, is yet another excellent source of vitamin C, not to mention that this is also a form of natural anti-inflammatory. This is packed with antioxidants and is good for the bones, heart, and for lowering your cholesterol levels. It is always a wise idea to add broccoli to your daily diet, whether it is for tattoo care or not. 


Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is filled with vitamin C and has the ability to boost the immune system. After the trauma brought about by a tattoo session, both your body and your mind will feel tired and make you prone to flu, colds, and infection. You will also feel run-down in general. Foods such as pineapples will keep you feeling healthy and staying fit.


Blueberries are dubbed as a superfood and this is for a good reason. These fruits are believed to be packed with more antioxidants compared to other fruits and vegetables. These antioxidants can heal the damaged cells and help in different forms of healing within the body. 


Your body is composed of 60% of water but you need to top it up on a regular basis. Being properly hydrated can benefit damaged and dry skin. it will also boost your mood because drinking enough water helps combat tiredness. 


Garlic has been used for many centuries due to its medicinal properties. Like other foods for tattoo care, garlic can boost the function of your immune system and ward off potential infection.

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