Oxalic acid vaporization

How to Use Oxalic Acid Bees

Oxalic acid dribble is a method that requires cheap equipment for preparation and dispersal of the mixture of sugar syrup and oxalic acid. There are lower safety risks on the part of the operator compared to the vaporization method so just a simple N-95 or particulate mask, gloves, and eye protection are essential as personal protection equipment. However, it is a bit difficult on the bees since it will be inevitable for them to feed off the sugar syrup then as they do so, they may also eat some of the oxalic acid that is mildly dangerous to them.

Oxalic acid vaporization

For treatment for early winter, it is a must to open the colony during cold weather and break the propolis seals of the boxes at the time of the year once the bees might not have temperatures warm enough for repairing the seals immediately that may possibly expose them to the cold drafts. This will wet the bees amidst cold weather. The oxalic acid dribble method must be done only once on a similar cohort of bees. 

However, it is a good thing to try a one-dose, broodless-period treatment program for oxalic acid. 

What is Oxalic Acid Vaporization?

The method of oxalic acid vaporization needs a specialized tool such as a Provap device or Varrox wand, a source of power that is often a lawn mower battery, goggles, and breathing protection, which is full-face respirator for ProVap and half-face respirator that has acid gas cartridges for Varrox wand.

Oxalic Acid Vaporization for Honey Bees fits Flow Hive2 openings Beginning with Bees Vaporizer use

Vaporization is much easier on bees compared to a dribble. The truth is that it got a good safety record and this is also considered harmless to queens, brood, and bees (https://www.honigschleudern.eu/). There is no need to break the hive apart to apply. This can also be used in the series of treatments if necessary. Compared to a dribble, a lot of people find vaporization as a better option in the long run.  

Should You Use ProVap or Varrox Wand?

In case you are just getting started with a vaporization program, the Varrox wand is your best option unless you got over 30 hives. The primary practical difference between Varrox and ProVap  is none other than speed. 

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